Many Pennsylvania households include residents who emigrated from other countries of origin. Such journeys often include significant challenges, especially if an immigrant’s paperwork is not in order. In fact, thousands of people are apprehended at various U.S. border stations, and then placed in immigration detention centers while they await final decisions regarding their requests to enter the United States.
Sadly, the conditions in many detention facilities are said to be dangerous to the physical health and well-being of their inhabitants. One woman said that she and all those being held in detention with her have thought on occasion that suicide would be better than enduring more time in detention. Protests from detainees have often carried serious repercussions.
For instance, a group of immigrants say they locked arms to draw attention to their needs as a form of protest against poor detention conditions. They claimed that immigration officers beat them and sprayed them with pepper spray because of their actions. Others have launched similar requests, stating they have not been provided adequate food or clothing since they were detained.
Some people living in immigration detention facilities in Pennsylvania or other states are parents who have been separated from their children. Such incidents have often prompted public outcries against U.S. government practices that immigrant advocates say are inhumane and unfair. When facing an immigration-related problem, it often helps to speak with an experienced attorney who can help determine what the best course of action may be in a particular situation.
Source:, “Stunning images show where the US detains migrants crossing the southern border“, Daniel Brown, Accessed on May 29, 2018