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How can you move from a green card to citizenship?

On Behalf of | Apr 23, 2024 | Family Immigration |

Gaining a green card and achieving legal resident status can be one of life’s big ticks. Many have dreamed about that moment for years and worked and saved hard to make it happen. Yet a green card can still be too restricting for some and the possibility of losing one can be a constant worry in the back of the mind.

If you successfully achieve citizenship through naturalization you can forget those concerns. No one will be able to take away your citizenship. You will be freer to travel back out of the country for as long as you wish, knowing you always have the right to return. What’s more, you can do so on a U.S. passport which might give you access to places your home passport did not.

Have lived here legally for the appropriate amount of time

Most green card holders need to wait till they have had legal resident status for five years before they can apply for citizenship. Those married to a U.S. citizen only have to wait three years. You’ll also need to prove you have been in the country for the past 30 months.

Pass the required tests

You’ll need to sit tests to show an appropriate level of English as well as the required understanding of U.S. society and history. There is guidance online to help you understand what is required.

Show you have good moral character

If you have a criminal record as long as your arm, whether here or in another country, this could lead the immigration authorities to reject your application. If you have some minor charges on your record it hopefully won’t be an issue, but as with the whole application process, it is wise to seek legal guidance to learn more.


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